Dr Nicky Lawrence

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Dr Lawrence is a Medical Oncologist in Auckland with an interest in genitourinary malignancies (prostate, kidney, bladder, testicular and penile cancers) and clinical trial methodology. She is Director of Cancer Trials New Zealand, at The University of Auckland, an academic co-ordinating centre for cancer clinical trials. After completing her medical oncology training in Auckland in 2014, Nicky spent four years in Sydney, Australia. She completed a PhD at The University of Sydney evaluating the design of cancer clinical trials in the era of targeted and immunological therapies.

Nicky is an active member of the genitourinary cancer research community and has been an author of publications in high impact research journals. She is an investigator on multiple national and international clinical trials. She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP) and co-leads the Aotearoa New Zealand Oncology Decentralised Clinical Trials (teletrials) steering committee. She convened the inaugural Aotearoa New Zealand Concept Development Workshop for cancer clinical research, Critical Appraisal Workshop and is a member of the international steering committee for the Australia and Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development Workshop (ACORD).
